May 23, 2015


Des Wilson - The Church of England has decided that bishops can have civil partnerships provided they do not actually have sex together.

I propose:
l) people can go to restaurants - but only if they do not eat

2) people can get in to swimming pools provided they don't get wet

3) people can go to church provided they don't listen to a word they're told.

1 comment:

Capt. America said...

Religious communities should be able to have civil partnerships too. That's my objection to calling any and everything "marriage".

My other problem is that if about half of marriages end in divorce, what happens when same-sex divorces, in substantial numbers, start showing up in the courts? Incidentally, guess who pays? Do you really think that couples without the advantage of compatible plumbing have an even chance of success? What is adultery? What is alienation of affection? What is consummation? I think that same-sex sex should be kept as far from the courts as possible.

Making perversion not illegal should be good enough. The Napoleonic code was a better way to go in getting religion out of the legal issues completely.