October 9, 2015

HRC has long record of double talk on trade agreements

Ian Fletcher, Huffington Post - [Hillary Clinton has] a long record of verbally criticizing free-trade agreements, but then supporting them when in office.

For example, during the 2008 campaign, she announced that she'd "renegotiate" NAFTA to fix its defects.... Both Clinton and Obama promised to do something about NAFTA if elected. Barack Obama hasn't exactly covered himself with glory here: he certainly hasn't renegotiated NAFTA, despite the fact that he was elected. But Clinton, as his Secretary of State, has failed just as egregiously. She went in the opposite direction, helping to negotiate the NAFTA-esque Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Clinton's record on free trade agreements is, in fact, a long saga of rhetorical bobbing and weaving to handle changing political expediencies, while on actual policy she does what the free traders want. 

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